Crewit Resourcing Limited is a recruitment based organization supplying labour to Construction, Rail, Facilities Management, Highways & Utilities, Food & Agri-Business and Warehouse & Manufacturing sectors.
Crewit Resourcing Limited acknowledge and agree that any candidate’s personal data that shall be processed and actioned in accordance with all applicable data protection laws as set out by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
Crewit Resourcing Limited will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all persons working for the company are made aware and adhere to the rules in accordance with GDPR. Crewit Resourcing Limited, in the capacity of a Data Controller, will commit to the following actions stated below:
- Notifying the candidate of the type of data that may be collected.
- Informing the candidate of how collected data may be used.
- Informing the candidate of how collected data shall be stored.
- Identify to the candidate the legal basis for which personal data is processed, e.g. right to work.
- Obtaining consent from the candidate to retain personal data prior to collection of said data.
- Obtain consent from the candidate to disclose personal data to prospective clients.
- Informing the candidate of their right to access their personal data.
- Informing the candidate of the data retention period(s).
- Informing the candidate of their right to withdraw their consent to hold their personal data at
any time.
In the event of a “Data Breach” (i.e. if a candidate’s personal data is shared without consent, stolen or lost) Crewit Resourcing Limited will ensure that the affected candidate is notified immediately and shall inform the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) within 48 hours of the incident occurring.
This statement is briefed and acknowledged by all persons working for the company to ensure understanding of, and compliance with, the regulations set out in the GDPR 2018.
This statement will be reviewed annually, (or as and when required) by the Directors and is available on the company website:
Get In Touch
We’re dedicated to partnering the highest-quality candidates with the best projects in the world. If you’re a candidate looking for your next step, or are an employer looking to resource your next project; get in touch and one of our industry experts will reach out.