Crewit Resourcing Limited as a labour supply contractor to Construction, Rail, Facilities Management, Highways & Utilities, Food & Agri-Business and Warehouse & Manufacturing sectors is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for everyone and reflecting the full diversity of the community it serves. We will take positive action to ensure all persons contracting for the company comply with our equal opportunities policy.
Crewit Resourcing Limited will treat everyone equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability, colour, race, nationality, Pregnancy, Maternity/Paternity, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, political beliefs or membership or nonmembership of a Trade Union or spent convictions, and places an obligation upon all staff to respect and act in accordance with the policy. This means that:
- Whilst supplying resources CrewIt Resourcing Limited will ensure equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all persons.
- CrewIt Resourcing Limited complies with the Race Relations Act 1976 and Sex Discrimination Act 1975.
- The clients of CrewIt Resourcing Limited and any person or group of persons applying for a job or contract with CrewIt Resourcing Limited, will not be treated less favourably than any other person or group of persons.
- CrewIt Resourcing Limited does not discriminate, either directly or indirectly, on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, number of hours worked, marital status, age, race, colour, religion or belief, nationality, Pregnancy, Maternity/Paternity, ethnic or national origins or disability.
- As an employer, CrewIt Resourcing Limited will seek actively to employ staff from all groups. Where necessary, it will provide special training facilities to enable them to compete or qualify for a position within CrewIt Resourcing Limited.
- To help fulfil its commitment to equal opportunity, CrewIt Resourcing will collect and monitor records of the ethnic / racial origin of all those seeking employment from the Company, ensuring that the results, where necessary, lead to positive changes in policy and / or procedures.
- In hiring sub-contractors and other agencies to work on our behalf, CrewIt Resourcing Limited will be mindful of its commitment to equal opportunity.
- It is the duty of all employees and sub-contractors to accept personal responsibility for the implementation of this policy. However, CrewIt Resourcing Limited acknowledges that specific responsibilities fall upon management and supervisors in particular the Financial Director who is involved in recruitment and employee administration.
This statement will be reviewed annually, (or as and when required) by the Directors. It is briefed and acknowledged by all persons working for the company and is available to clients and the public on the company website:
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